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RUF fuel briquettes are a type of solid fuel that is widely used in heating residential buildings

RUF fuel briquettes are a type of solid fuel that is widely used in heating residential buildings


Fuel briquettes are a type of solid fuel that is widely used in heating residential buildings. It is used in fireplaces, stoves and solid fuel boilers. This type of fuel does not emit extraneous chemical odors when burning, due to the fact that no chemical dyes or glues are added during their production. Only wood waste serves as a raw material for making briquettes.


This type of briquette is the most widespread, since the production process is not technologically difficult, unlike PiniKay briquettes.

High-pressure hydraulic equipment of the German company RUF Gmbh & CO is used in production. KG (from which the name of the briquette came), which compresses the sawdust, as a result of which a briquette is formed. Another important factor in production is that the raw material from which the briquette is pressed has a very small fraction. Thanks to this, it is very dense and resistant to decay. Its shape resembles a brick, measuring 154 x 97 x 54 mm, weighing 833 grams. This is the standard briquette size, but other options are also available.


Both coniferous and hardwood species of wood can be used as raw materials for making briquettes. Our assortment includes briquettes from both coniferous and hardwood species. Of course, the price of coniferous briquettes is much lower. Since the production of RUF briquettes after pressing does not undergo a baking process (such as in PiniKay), they tend to disintegrate, so it is necessary to significantly reduce the draft during combustion, compared to the use of other types of fuel. This applies more when burning in fireplaces or in equipment with a large combustion chamber. And if they are used in specialized solid fuel boilers, their burning time increases significantly.


These briquettes are packed in polyethylene bags weighing 10 kg each, and are protected from moisture, so no special conditions are required for their storage, but it is desirable to avoid direct exposure to moisture, such as rain or dampness.


Also, a big advantage of this briquette, unlike firewood or coal, is that they practically do not leave ash after burning. In addition, the frequency of maintenance of heating equipment or chimneys is significantly reduced. It should be noted that in the process of burning, fuel briquettes release less carbon dioxide, significantly less smoke or sparks, and also "do not shoot" as happens with firewood, which is much safer to use than firewood.


Having been engaged in biofuel trade for 5 years in more than 10 European countries, we have come to the conclusion that average consumers use from 3 to 4 tons of briquettes for the entire heating season, taking into account the fact that the heating area is about 100 m2.


Therefore, those looking for an alternative to firewood can safely use briquettes of this type, as they have the following advantages:

1. Environmental friendliness. Made exclusively from wood waste.

2. Practicality. Can be used in any heating equipment.

3. Convenience. They do not take up a lot of space, and they are also comfortable to move from the place of storage.

4. High heat output. Lower humidity and higher density provide 1.5-2 times higher temperature than firewood.

3285 23/10/2019
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